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Knight Rider 4/24/07 08:42 PM

Recieived a Bulletin from MySpace telling everyone not to pump gas on May 15

From: <a href=' 83001&MyToken=6f694f0a-993f-4d85-b94a-6f94b1ace6ff'>sherry</a>
Date: Apr 24, 2007 6:50 PM

Don't pump gas on May 15th! April 1997, there was a "gas out" conducted nationwide in protest of gas prices.
Gasoline prices dropped 30 cents a gallon overnight.
On May 15th 2007, all myspace members are to not go to a gas station in protest of high gas prices. Gas is now over $3.00 a gallon in most places.
There are 73,000,000+ American members currently on the myspace network, and the
average car takes about 20 to 30 dollars to fill up.
If all myspace members did not go to the pump on the 15th, it would take $2,200,000,000.00 (that's BILLION) out of the oil companys pockets for just one day.
If you agree (which I can't see why you wouldnt) repost this bulletin repost it with "Don't pump gas on May 15th

Not many people are going to do it anyway.

The Exxon guy is not gonna give a ****

theedge67 4/24/07 08:50 PM

And on the day before and after, the "Exxon guy" would make it all up because unless people drive less, the same amount of gas is being used. worthless.

Knight 4/24/07 08:56 PM

yeah thats almost as gay as Tom is.

like steve said..unless those people do not drive for that whole day they are just going to fill up before or after that day and it won't change a thing.

cntchds 4/24/07 10:20 PM

And think about it. If no one filled up that day, imagine how much they will jack the price up the next day...


Scott 4/25/07 12:28 AM

I remember the great gas-out in 1997, nothing changed. The price did not drop 30 cents/gallon as stated.

My Blue Heaven 4/25/07 07:52 AM

Typical spam. If they really wanted to make a difference they'd car pool for a week or ride a bike to work.

I'll do my part though, i promise not to let my burn outs go over 10 seconds for a month :)

OdiousBarbarian 4/25/07 08:42 AM

Originally Posted by cntchds (Post 900847)
And think about it. If no one filled up that day, imagine how much they will jack the price up the next day...


if i was a big evil corporation, thats what i would do, ha!

if 73,000,000 people dont fill up on the 15th, i would make gas cost $7.00 a gallon on the 16th, because those people will need gas!

and whoever came up with this should consider the huge number of people on myspace who dont own cars for whatever reason (too young, live in a city, not enough money, etc)

RobK 4/25/07 10:23 AM


codeman94 4/25/07 02:57 PM

I want to know why gas is still so high even though it seems that now more than ever people are trying to conserve and use E85, and buy and demand my a**.

Knight 4/25/07 03:07 PM

well there is also china which is selling more cars then they ever have. and majority of the people that havn't got hybrids and e85 cars have converted to SUVs.. and more and more people drive every year as the populaton increases.. so basically the world sucks at life.

TomServo92 4/26/07 10:21 AM

That's correct. It's worldwide supply and demand no just the US. I believe India is also consuming more oil than in past like China.

st06vert 4/26/07 02:03 PM

Originally Posted by codeman94 (Post 901277)
I want to know why gas is still so high even though it seems that now more than ever people are trying to conserve and use E85, and buy and demand my a**.

The supply and demand issue is just an excuse for gouge. Unfortunately people believe this argument.

RobK 4/26/07 02:54 PM

Originally Posted by st06vert (Post 902270)
The supply and demand issue is just an excuse for gouge. Unfortunately people believe this argument.

+1 Total BS I'm afraid. If everyone was pumping and refining at 100% capacity then I would believe the argument.:shame:

codeman94 4/26/07 02:58 PM

I honestly dont think there is a gouge...its just the fact that these oil companies know that we will pay $3+ per gallon for gas, and they do not boost production when the demand gets to these levels...instead...they cash in.

If this were really supply and demand...there would be people not buying gas becuase they cannot afford it. I do not believe this happens because gas nowadays is a staple in our lifes for our tranportation. People "need" it. So oil companies put our nuts in a vice becuase they can.

codeman94 5/17/07 01:10 PM

well....that didn't work...Gas went Up from 3.13 to 3.39 on the 15th around here.

Knight Rider 5/17/07 04:41 PM

2.79 to 2.89 here

Knight Rider 5/17/07 04:59 PM

We resist writing posts on how expensive gas is nowadays because if we made it a habit, that's all we'd write. Every once in a while, however, there's a news story about gas prices that we can't ignore. This past week, the national average price of gas beat the previous record set in the first week of September 2005, the week following Hurricane Katrina's devastating landfall. The national average price of gas peaked at $3.11 that week. Since last January, however, the national average has been increasing on an uninterrupted pace. At the end of the first week of May, the average stood at $309.70. On May 14th, it was reported by the government to have risen to $314.30, eclipsing the previous post-Katrnia record. (Click here to view the government's archive of average fuel prices.)

codeman94 5/17/07 06:12 PM

yeah I like how gas always went up after disasters like 9-11 and Katrina...but now...all is fine and we are paying more than ever.

jraines 5/17/07 07:36 PM

Heres a theory. have you noticed how the cigarette companies have diversified themselves over the past few years?
tobacco mfrs know that as more people become educated on the dangers of cigs, they will have fewer and fewer customers. They had to diversify.
The Fuel big wigs are doing the same thing. As car mfrs continue to increase the fuel economy on their models, the Gas Guys have to find a way to continue their profits as they move to newer products like E-85 and such.
I think this is why Phillip Morris and Kraft are one. Tobacco cant morph too much. Fuel for vehicles can. We are now paying for their last "hurrah" on gasoline.
We are still a few years away, but as we improve the mpg, they will adjust their product slowly.
Just My .02

HOSS429 5/18/07 05:17 AM

well i hope i still have my pinto when gas is so cheap they cant give it away .

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