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SpectreH 8/12/18 05:10 PM

Originally Posted by Gravydog316 (Post 7033914)
The ONLY supplier of hazardous asbestos to America will be a Russian company using Trumps picture on it;
yeah, there's no collusion...
yeah, Trump cares about you & your country...

There was collusion...from Hildebeast and Odumba.

Rather B.Blown 8/12/18 06:41 PM

I love watching these bears in Alaska. Nice live cam, the salmon are jumping everywhere and earlier one of the bears was really cleaning up. Catching them one after the other.

kcoTiger 8/19/18 07:25 PM

Originally Posted by SpectreH (Post 7033922)
There was collusion...from Hildebeast and Odumba.

Hildebeast hahahahahaha....:rofl3:

HOSS429 8/21/18 10:02 AM

Originally Posted by David Young (Post 7033885)
We have something called 'Bark Off'. It works with our two small dogs. Now all we have to say is, I'm going to get the 'Bark Off' and they shut up :)

my little device came in a day or so ago and i set it up and immediately thought it did nothing as the beast kept barking at me but it was tied up a hundred feet away .. this morning it was`nt tied up and came at me and i noticed it would stop and look in the direction of the device and move away .. it is most effective in the less than 50 feet range ..i may have stopped the beast from charging at me but it still yaps from long distance .. i have a new Blank 22 pistol i have not tried yet .. all may settle down eventually ..

Mustang Freak 8/21/18 07:08 PM

One well placed 22 round and problem solved... :heh:

SpectreH 8/22/18 06:31 AM

Cute puppies. And the lady firefighter is pretty nice too ;)

HOSS429 8/22/18 09:18 AM

the tall man has two dogs .. i know a two dogs joke but i`m not sure i can clean it up enuff to post .. it only has one bad word ....

HOSS429 8/22/18 09:36 AM

a young Indian brave went up to his dad very much in anguish over the other young braves making fun of him because of his name ..why do i have the name i have he ask ? ,, his dad reply's . at the moment of birth the father steps out of the tee pee and the first thing he sees is what is to become the name of the child ..when your older brother was born i stepped out and saw a bear running across the meadow so i named him Running Bear .. when your sister was born it was morning time and when i stepped out i saw a little white dove flying over so i named her Little White Dove tell me why you are unhappy with your name ..... Two Dogs F**king ....

David Young 8/23/18 03:40 AM

Good one :lol:

Mustang Freak 8/23/18 07:20 PM

Originally Posted by SpectreH
Cute puppies. And the lady firefighter is pretty nice too ;)

You made me go back and look! :heh:

HOSS429 8/24/18 12:18 AM

i very much enjoyed the forum CityData for more than a few years except i did not appreciate the bullying i got from some of the moderators there .. i started a few threads as member HOSS429 as i do with all the sites i visit .. recently i felt wronged by a mod and i asked them to just ban me and get it over with but i did not know it meant i could not visit even when i was`nt logged in ,,, their loss ...

SpectreH 8/27/18 06:12 AM

Originally Posted by Gravydog316 (Post 7034409)
& JP Morgan sank the Titanic,
Tom Hanks is a pedo,
the CIA put Kim Jon-un in power,
& armed teachers will stop school shootings...
are all Republicans lunatics besides my dad?

Titanic - no, JP Morgan did not sink it. Unless......he was colluding with the Germans and used a U-boat to sink it....hahahahahahahaha
Hanks - never heard that one before.
CIA - hadn't heard that either, but they do some scary stuff.
Armed teachers - depends on the teacher. While I believe Americans have the right to bear arms, there are people who I think should never touch one.
Lunatics? The libs with TDS seem to have a near monopoly on that. That's not to say there aren't some unhinged far-right nut jobs, but the libs make them look like amateurs.

SpectreH 8/28/18 06:00 AM

Originally Posted by Gravydog316 (Post 7034460)
Well, thats what Trump supporters have been saying...

As reported by the MSM or some tweet? Seriously, you libs claim to be so tolerant and all inclusive, but you paint anyone who doesn't think like you with a very broad brush.

Rather B.Blown 8/28/18 08:41 AM

Guy went to a blacksmith and asked for a job. The blacksmith asked "have you ever shoed a horse?"

Guy said "No, but I once told a donkey to F**k off".

SpectreH 8/28/18 08:50 AM

Originally Posted by Rather B.Blown (Post 7034467)
Guy went to a blacksmith and asked for a job. The blacksmith asked "have you ever shoed a horse?"

Guy said "No, but I once told a donkey to F**k off".


HOSS429 8/28/18 08:54 AM

2 Attachment(s)
a couple of rather unique barn finds .they are sitting right where they will be next year and the next year and the etc etc etc ..only about 3 miles from my home .. and LEE ... i once shot an elephant in my pajama`s ... how he got in my pajama`s i`ll never know ... bada bing !!! ....

SpectreH 8/29/18 06:05 AM

Common knowledge - like when it was common knowledge that the earth was flat, or that it was the center of the universe? All I see is dems still crying in the streets because their corrupt queen lost. And I think the short list would be the number of countries that didn't hack her unsecured server. Minority unemployment is at record lows, stocks high. Military getting support, and as a DoD employee, trust me, they need some new stuff.

Google does skew their results. That's been, as you put it, common knowledge since before Trump.

We don't have news anymore, not really. I have talking heads telling me what to hate or love, not giving me the information needed to form my own opinion.

Even ESPN has caught TDS. One commentator blasting Tiger Woods for not slamming Trump. Trump and Woods happen to be friends and golfing buddies. All Woods said was to respect the office of President, and then didn't take the bait to comment on any policies. Kudos to him. I guess the left didn't like it because a minority isn't towing the democrat line. They hate that more than anything else. Well, they might hate Amaerica more, based on their efforts to destroy it.

Democrats have become the Communist Party. Hell, Elizabeth Warren, while commenting on the Mollie Tibbets murder by an ilegal, said we needed to worry about real problems like illegals separated from their children. And this wasn't from a right-wing nutjob news outlet, this was her CNN interview. Newsflash....come here legally and it won't happen.

SpectreH 8/30/18 07:11 PM

Originally Posted by Gravydog316 (Post 7034567)
But Trump said CNN is fake news...

& Trump & Putin are business partners & friends, so Communism can't be bad...

you should try other sources besides Trump & Fox News, tho...
like me.

here's what Trump did today:
Calls for CNN boss to be fired
Appears to claim he has blackmail material on MSNBC boss
Accuses Lester Holt of faking a live interview???
Rant about Don McGahn (dunno who that is)
Rant about Ivanka and Jared
ok, just read a bit:
Ivanka runs to the media & says Donald is self destructing,
then Jared and Ivanka told Trump that stripping security clearances from former intelligence officials would backfire, but Trump ignored them.
Either Ivanka is incredibly stupid, or she’s purposely trying to destroy her father. Take your pick.

Fox isn't my primary source. I reluctantly look at CNN as well, OANN, and others. OANN so far has kept opinion out of there news articles. They have opinion pieces, but they don't pretend those are straight facts. CNN still backs a story from a guy (sorry, I forgot his name and am too lazy to find it) who claimed to witness Trump-Russian collusion even after the guy changed his story and said it never happened.

Twitter will never be my news source. If I see something on FB, I will try to find another source for information on the topic, because FB is run by libs.

There's a fairly liberal Trump hater in my Corvair club. He and I get along because we can do stuff other than talk politics. Me getting along with him does not make me a liberal (or him a conservative), any more than Trump trying to make peace with our adversaries makes him a commie.

SpectreH 8/31/18 06:01 AM

Originally Posted by Gravydog316 (Post 7034593)
Trump is in Indiana, doesn't mention Comey, Sessions, McCain...
he just slings mud at Hillary, DoJ...

& Trump rally looking for actors to be pro-Trump

That ad doesn't even make sense. It wants protesters and pro-Trump signs. ...sounds more like an anti-Trump (Soros the REAL Nazi) funded effort to frame "Trump" supporters for violence. You do know that Soros is a real Nazi who hates America, and he funds most of the Trump resistance campaign.

HOSS429 9/20/18 07:59 AM
2 birds .a lizard and now a snake i have had to rescue from my rat glue traps ,, WD40 dissolves the glue in an instant and seems to not hurt the critters after i wash them down a bit ,,looks like an offspring of the last snake i rescued ,, i let him loose in my neighbors field ..

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