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HOSS429 11/11/10 05:17 PM

random stuff
i thought i had already did this .. i`m starting a thread of random stuff .. maybe or maybe not car related .. i`m in the process of redoing my stang a bit and i will put up progress reports from time to time as well as anything else that may come to mind

Samir 11/12/10 03:32 PM

Ahh yes, the thread is back! :D I miss read your posts like back in the day. Always something interesting. :)

HOSS429 11/12/10 04:17 PM

Originally Posted by Samir (Post 5974014)
Ahh yes, the thread is back! :D I miss read your posts like back in the day. Always something interesting. :)

thanks again bud .. i`m off work for the next 16 days :nice:.. i plan to spend 15 and 1/2 of them this way :D

Samir 11/12/10 05:32 PM

I hope you have a nicer bed than that! :lol:

HOSS429 11/15/10 07:28 AM

the tortouse and the HOSS
i had heard from a certain hare that this fellow was pretty quick :unsure: so i made sure to line up correctly in my burn out marks . not gunna tell you who won

Samir 11/15/10 02:31 PM

LOL! Awesome pic!

HOSS429 11/17/10 02:56 PM

dif strokes for dif folks i guess but why order a 69 stang with 4 speed and 302 two barrell carb .. still a sharp car on ebay .. i`d get it if i had 20 grand to spare

HOSS429 11/19/10 04:44 PM

followed this down 565 a few miles a while back .. dint think too much of it till i pulled along side .. saw the shaker hood scoope .. then saw the word " HEMI " on the scoope .. seemed not to be original paint but very old paint .. truck tag was from georgia ..

BA Mustang 11/19/10 11:12 PM


I'd love to have one of those

HOSS429 11/21/10 06:17 PM

bout two years ago i made the big mistake of bidding too much for this former company truck where i work .. one of many mistakes i`ve made since 08 .. but i will show in the next several posts how i`ve made it what i want it to be ..

HOSS429 11/23/10 07:36 AM

kinda hard to tell by the other pic but the only straight piece on the truck is the hood .. since i needed to replace the bed anyway i decided to make it a short bed as well .. the only 3/4 ton short bed dodge i know of ..this is after i paid 800 bucks for the thing then paid 900 bucks to get the 2 year only 5 speed overdrive automatic trans rebuilt .

HOSS429 11/26/10 07:55 AM

this is after removing 17 inches from the frame .. looks too short but it will work out ..

HOSS429 11/29/10 01:15 PM

put the curser over your user name than look at the bottum of the page just above ( START ) and see what your user # is .. i would have thought mine to be much higher .. it`s 102956 .. it`s the last 5 or 6 digits unless you`ve been here a very long time

HOSS429 11/29/10 04:52 PM

alrighty then .. new short bed installed .. waiting a bit of sanding and spilling some paint on it ..

assasinator 11/29/10 04:53 PM

im getting ready to rebuild the 4.6 4v with much stronger internals. it already has h-beams. going with a huge turbo this time. 500rwhp was not enough.

HOSS429 11/30/10 08:09 AM

1963 Shelby Cobra DragonSnake

<HR style="COLOR: #d1d1e1" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->CSX 2093 was the 93rd Cobra built and is one of only eight cars modified with the Shelby-developed Dragonsnake package designed to maximize drag racing performance. Depending on options, the package could swell the bottom line to a whopping $8,990, a huge sum in 1960s-era dollars.

Owned by Jim Costilow and piloted by drag racer Bruce Larson, later of USA-1 Funny Car fame, the Dragonsnake dominated the NHRA’s A/SP, AA/SP, B/SP and C/SP classes in 1964. It set all new records in the 1965 season and won the NHRA Springnationals, Winternationals and U.S. Indy Nationals that year. The Cobra was so successful that it overshadowed Shelby’s factory-sponsored Dragonsnake, much to Shelby’s dismay, and thereafter factory support for the privateer effort began to dry up.

Later, with subsequent owner Ed Hedrick behind the wheel, CSX 2093 went on to win the 1966 Springnationals and U.S. Nationals. It also chalked up class wins at the 1967 Springnationals, Winternationals, U.S. Indy Nationals, and finished out the season with the World Points Championship. It continued to set records in 1968. All told, CSX 2093 held national titles in four separate classes.

The Costilow/Larson Dragonsnake has been authenticated and certified by the Antique Automobile Club of America (AACA) as a true and correct original car, and has also won that organization’s Senior Award and Race Car Certification badges. It has undergone a completely accurate and show-quality restoration by Ziegler Coach of Los Angeles, CA and is presented exactly as it competed, including the Weber-carbureted 289 Ford V-8 with Ballanger side mount headers, 4-speed transmission, Cobra Sunburst rear wheels with slicks, wire front wheels, removable hardtop and eye-grabbing Magenta metalflake paint.

Offered with full documentation of its NHRA national records, this is not only the most famous and successful of the eight Shelby Dragonsnakes; it is in fact the winningest competition Cobra in history.
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if someone can clean this post up a little please do .. i brought it from another site and brought too much baggage

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HOSS429 12/1/10 04:36 PM

well .. after that fiasco back to the truck .. after about a year in yellow primer i finally started putting on some top coat .. the black mess will make sense in the next post ..

HOSS429 12/2/10 05:52 PM

ahh .. the finished product ,, a AAR trans am pickup .. the only one dodge never made ..

HOSS429 12/3/10 04:50 PM

ok ... here`s a new car eat up with orange peel .. i thought that went out 30 years ago .. is it not painted base coat then clear ?

HOSS429 12/4/10 11:36 AM

great event at CBI today .. first time in many moons i did`nt see someone i knew at a show ..

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