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cdynaco 5/13/12 02:25 AM

I just learned about this from one of my many recent searches. So many are affected every day.
Lifestyle & healthy choices are important, and so are Life Saving Medicines & treatments, but Attitude is Everything! :nice:

The good news for cancer survivorship is that the numbers are growing, with an estimated 12 million survivors living in the United States today.

cdynaco 5/13/12 02:27 AM

Geez... Hang tough kids!! Become success stories!! :nice:

Young cancer patients' 'Stronger' video a big hit

Published May 12, 2012
A video featuring cancer-stricken children, their nurses, doctors and parents lip-synching and dancing to the popular Kelly Clarkson song "Stronger" has become an online sensation.
Clarkson, in her own video message to the children at Seattle Children's Hospital, said it was "amazing."
"It made my day. I know it's making everybody else's day online," Clarkson said in a message posted on her website. "I just can't wait to meet you."
The youngsters, many attached to IVs and holding signs that say "Stronger," "Fighter" and "Hope," dance along with parents and medical staff. One child even rides a bike through the hallways of the hematology oncology floor. The video is part of a creative arts program with cancer patients at Seattle Children's.
The kids' video went online May 6. It was the idea of 22-year-old Chris Rumble, a patient at the hospital who was diagnosed with leukemia in April. He wanted to do something to share with his old hockey team in the central Washington town of Wenatchee
"I'm everyone's big brother and I have a lot of friends here at Seattle Children's," Rumble said on the hospital's blog.
Dr. Douglas Hawkins said the patients and staff at Seattle Children's have been thrilled by the response.
"This morning it was over 900,000 views. It's really incredible," he said Friday.
Hawkins said such projects help the kids maintain their spirits.
"When a child or young adult is treated for cancer, it puts their whole life on hold in a way that doesn't seem fair at all," Hawkins said. "It's a fight for their life. But there are all these other normal things they want to be doing too, or things they want to focus on other than the medicine or the illness or their time in the hospital."

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ShadowFox 5/13/12 02:57 AM

My dad beat throat cancer recently. I should get him one of those bands. I remember they used to be oh so popular in 2006.

AlsCobra 5/13/12 03:47 AM

Charlie have you seen the Burzinski movie yet. You should watch that. Crooked FDA should piss everyone off.

cdynaco 5/13/12 10:09 AM

Originally Posted by ShadowFox (Post 6346079)
My dad beat throat cancer recently. I should get him one of those bands. I remember they used to be oh so popular in 2006.

Great news! :nice:

cdynaco 5/15/12 01:17 PM

Remember the story about Johnny the kid that was so positive all the time? Way too positive so they did a study with a shrink.

They told Johnny that in the closet in the hall was a special present for him. He was so excited he leaped out of his chair in the doc's office and ran to the closet and opened the door!

As he did out poured a bunch of horse crap. Johnny's face lit up smiling and he immediately dove in the closet digging towards the bottom!

The doc and the parents were mystified!! The asked Johnny "we don't understand - that's a closet full of crap! Why are you still so happy??"

Johnny said "with all that horse crap, I figured there must be a pony in there somewhere!!" :banana:

Attitude is Everything! :nice:

cdynaco 5/15/12 02:39 PM

Originally Posted by cdynaco (Post 6348143)
Johnny said "with all that horse crap, I figured there must be a pony in there somewhere!!" :banana:

Attitude is Everything! :nice:

So... in that context... 24 hrs ago 5.14.2012 was my first trip to the "Infusion Room" for a 5 hr drip of "Life Saving Medicine". For 25 yrs I have loved to hate the industry and their methods, but suddenly find myself faced with them as the only viable option that is immediate - experimental or not. So I have had to do a 180 these last few weeks and think like Johnny! :nice:

Yesterday was a great day! Wake up, quickly feed the herd, and drive SMQ's Bullitt #901 up and over the drop dead gorgeous S OR Cascades an hour down to the valley where Oncology is. Its a great drive with a nice 30 minute series of twisties. Everything goes smooth except for that initial benedryl stuff. Try having a coherent conversation with a nurse on that crap! :drunk: lol Afterwards a nice friend picks me up and has a home cooked dinner for me and I take a power nap before the drive home.
Coming back up the twisties is a blast! They're mostly posted 40 & 45 and a constant left-right. So at 60-70 they develop a nice rhythm - like a giant slalom! :steering:
Then I get home at dusk, walk out to feed the herd, and here my kids are - nickerin' & kickin' up their heals happy to see me coming. And the ranch dawg was happy to get out of jail too.
Beautiful blue sky green grass in the morning with wonderful pine smell and birds singing, in the evening a gorgeous orange sunset behind a snow capped mountain. First 'star' I saw through the trees was actually planet Jupiter big and bright, and then came the rest. Big Dipper pouring out stardust on me. Sound of horses munching hay.
I get the thrill of driving Bullitt on a road course, and a happy animal family to welcome me home. And my peaceful, healing nest... :nice:

Who gets to do this?? Seriously... I often ask... who gets to do this stuff?? It is simple in many ways, and most don't see what I see here, but I have been blessed with such an abundance that is uniquely suited to me and my lifelong quest since a young kid for just this lifestyle. Thank you!!!

I am enormously thankful to my God Almighty and His only-begotten Son, and my personal relationship with them that can only come through years of deep study & accurate knowledge of the Holy Scriptures cover-cover, Gen-Rev!! Along with constant prayer. There is so much more there than the ear tickling distortions that are told all too often on Sunday morning. Others can believe what they want, but I know my path and my path knows me, and I know my Shepherd and my Shepherd knows me.

Stay thirsty (for life) my friends, and LIVESTRONG each moment! :nice:

slostang 5/15/12 08:07 PM

My grandmother was a fighter and wore her's everyday till september 29 of 2009 when she gave it to me, she passed away later that afternoon and to this day have never removed it, kind of odd but I loved that lady and is just a reminder of her.

cdynaco 5/29/12 03:00 PM

Originally Posted by slostang (Post 6348610)
My grandmother was a fighter and wore her's everyday till september 29 of 2009 when she gave it to me, she passed away later that afternoon and to this day have never removed it, kind of odd but I loved that lady and is just a reminder of her.


bob 6/2/12 10:39 AM

Originally Posted by AlsCobra (Post 6346085)
Charlie have you seen the Burzinski movie yet. You should watch that. Crooked FDA should piss everyone off.

cdynaco 7/30/12 03:07 PM

YES! My yellow band reminds me to be positive all the time and to kick asz everyday! :nice:

DaGonz 8/5/12 05:52 AM

Stay strong Charlie... fight that bahstid and win.

cdynaco 8/18/12 01:13 PM

Originally Posted by DaGonz (Post 6411957)
Stay strong Charlie... fight that bahstid and win.

:yup: Thanx! That booger thymus is less than half the size it was. :nice: Taking it down further before the next surgery so there's plenty of clearance away from vitals this time.

cdynaco 8/18/12 01:14 PM

I love insurance!
My goodness, only halfway through and just crossed a hundred grand. The last ins pmt to the hosp was just released for $10,079. I stopped by billing at the hosp and the breakdown shows $96.71 for the nurse to give the injection, $9982.92 for the medicine! :what: :faint: :shame:

"Pegfilgrastim" (Amgen Neulasta) to stimulate my bone marrow to produce more white blood cells that were knocked down by the LSM.

I love insurance. Sure, my budget is crimped with 18% going to premiums. Had to hold off on a number of purchases over the years and drove clunkers for years. But thanks to insurance, my assets have been protected.

Over the years I've had a few $10k payouts due to workmans comp back & neck injuries and an auto accident, $30k for surgery/17 days hospital when my stallion mauled me, $60k house claim from earthquake/subsequent snow load damage, now $100k and only half way.

Yes ins premiums hurt and monopoly protection should be removed so there's full on competition (finally) for more affordable premiums for the consumer. But even as it is today, premiums are cheap compared to benefits when a claim arises. And when you have a home and savings and other assets, its just too risky to not have coverage. Who the hell wants to start over all the time when "life happens"?? Not me. In the middle of a life storm, the most important thing is maintaining stability and the lifestyle & comforts you've worked for. That is the best thing for healing and waiting for the storm to pass.

Sunny days ahead! :nice:

cdynaco 10/2/12 07:27 PM

Today is LIVESTRONG Day!

My yellow LIVESTRONG wrist band reminds me to Focus on, Absorb, and Recycle POSITIVES each day while Blocking ALL NEGATIVES! Cowardly Thymic Carcinoma is a WEAKLING, now DEAD, and currently being PURGED from my body and mind; while I AM STRONG!! Praise and thanksgiving to God Almighty through His Son my Savior, for my Spirituality & my many Blessings, for my Tenacity & Love for Life, for my Medical Team, and for my Healing!!! Thank YOU!!! :hail: :nice:

Tony Alonso 10/2/12 09:56 PM

Originally Posted by cdynaco (Post 6455074)
My yellow LIVESTRONG wrist band reminds me to Focus on, Absorb, and Recycle POSITIVES each day while Blocking ALL NEGATIVES! Cowardly Thymic Carcinoma is a WEAKLING, now DEAD, and currently being PURGED from my body and mind; while I AM STRONG!! Praise and thanksgiving to God Almighty through His Son my Savior, for my Spirituality & my many Blessings, for my Tenacity & Love for Life, for my Medical Team, and for my Healing!!! Thank YOU!!! :hail: :nice:


13GuTh 10/8/12 08:48 PM

A bump for Livestrong to keep this thread going, especially during breast cancer awerness month (also check out Susan G Komen for more specific breast cancer info). LiveStrong really is a great organization. Nowadays it can be a go-to website for many medical/health questions/ideas, not just cancer. I encourage anyone who has a chance to participate in a LiveStrong event to do so. My wife and I try to do the Philly Challenge every year and it is such an incredible experience! Congrats and/or best wishes to anyone who has beaten or is battling this bastard disease. :salute:

cdynaco 10/26/12 01:26 PM

Three fourths the way done today! :banana:

Surgery, chemo, radiation... one more surgery and we're done.

The incredible shrinking tumor! :nice:

cdynaco 12/24/12 11:33 AM

Well I can't think of a better reason to start the day with a Bloody Mary! :cheers:

12.24.2012 Final Pathology results from 12.4.2012 surgery to: 1. Re-do median sternotomy, 2. Radical thymectomy and pericardial resection.

Clinical History:
The patient is a 56-year-old male with [now dead & completely extracted] thymic carcinoma, median sternotomy 4.6.2012 showed tumor to involve both phrenic nerve, both lung hilum, brachiocephalic vein, and ascending aorta, status post chemo and radiation therapy.

Intraoperative Consult (Frozen Section) Diagnosis:

Right inferior pole (specimen A):
- Negative for tumor
- Negative for malignancy

Left inferior pole (specimen B):
- Negative for tumor
- Negative for malignancy

Pericardium, mediastinal mass, thymus (specimen C):
- Negative for malignancy
- Three lymph nodes, negative for malignancy (0/3)

Left carotid/subclavian artery junction (specimen D):
- Negative for malignancy

(For those who study, may I suggest Ps 30 & 116 as bookends to this case. Hallelujah! :hail: :yup: )

Tony Alonso 12/24/12 01:07 PM

Originally Posted by cdynaco (Post 6516505)
Well I can't think of a better reason to start the day with a Bloody Mary! :cheers:


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