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1 COBRA 4/6/05 04:39 PM

Happy Birthday! :nice:

Now you can have your very own Mustang... II!


future9er24 4/6/05 06:50 PM

you buying? cuz I'd love a II :burnout:

lol, thanx everyone, and my car isnt here yet :rolleyes: the $2500 69 i want is in SJ, and i dont have time to go during the week. now im counting down to saturday :D for surw withing the week.

today was national Arin slack off day in all my classes. just sat there reading MT for a while, nuthin important happend anyway. birthdays rock!

and check this out, its my "if today is your birthday" in the paper:

born today, you are a colorful, forthright, energetic, vibrant, and higlycreative individual with definite flair for the dramatic which will serve you well in all aspects of daily life. you're not one to turn your back on the most subtle or minimal opportunity; you want to snatch life by the tail and have a good time with it, shaking all the rewards and enjoyment from it. you're one of your signs brightest stars, whether or not you win fame or fortune. you are curious about life and all it has to offer, and there may be times in which you actually get yourself in trouble simply because you've been poking you nose into business that is not your own. experience will teach you when you should and should not be a meddler

Zc527 4/6/05 07:48 PM

ur gettin a 69? lucky..

future9er24 4/6/05 08:14 PM

its not set in stone. mommy has to see it in person and i hope she says its "acceptable" lol

and if it doesnt work, George is gonna buy me a II

Zc527 4/6/05 08:25 PM

dude, no offense, but I don't think a 2500 dollar 69 will be acceptable

future9er24 4/6/05 08:59 PM

you'd be surprised. it needs a battery, a startr (have to hotwire right now lol) and some minor bodywork. but i think i finded an even better one on craigslist: a 67 coupe with a 351C!!!! only time will tell

Shannon 4/6/05 09:59 PM

Happy birthday Arin. Hope you become a car owner sometime soon.

mobster 4/7/05 01:50 AM

Happy B'day!
::runs and hides at the thought of Arin on the roads in a mustang::

Zc527 4/7/05 10:26 AM

arin, maybe try to find a nice foxbody....saw a 1990 gt hatchback for 5,500 bux

Donna 4/7/05 10:30 AM

Originally posted by future9er24@April 6, 2005, 11:02 PM
you'd be surprised. it needs a battery, a startr (have to hotwire right now lol) and some minor bodywork. but i think i finded an even better one on craigslist: a 67 coupe with a 351C!!!! only time will tell

Do you get a title with that?? :jester:

future9er24 4/7/05 02:12 PM

lol, yeah theres a title with the 69. i have to talk to the owner of the 67 to find out about that one... one more day until the weekend! then i can go visit them :D

and zach, foxes are great but i REALLY want a classic one. i just like them a little better. thanks tho :nice:

Zc527 4/7/05 03:54 PM

do u care if it's cruddy....and what's max price...cuz I will find u a few

here's one
this is nice
so is this (might be a lil too much)
here's a grande
here's a really nice 1

here are some II's

more to come later

Autotooner 4/7/05 06:40 PM

there is a 69 mach 1 in my bulletin board, haven't called 'bout it, but it says in great shape, only 5 g's!!!

future9er24 4/7/05 09:36 PM

"Stillwater, Oklahoma USA" is a bit away lol and thats the only one i can afford. its ok, i've checked that site before.

dont worry man, you dont need to post any more ads. im doin great when it comes to finding cars i want. its convinceing the folks im having trouble with lol. and i doubt you can help me there

EleanorsMine 4/8/05 05:05 AM

Doesn't that smell?

When I was 16 I was set to get me a classic Mustang....Only I totaled their car two days after I got my license and got punished with a camaro after my license got took away for six months.

NOW my frigging dad is buying a classic(1965 289 4 speed). He said I am not allowed to touch it ever cause I wouldn't let him drive Eleanor when he asked.

future9er24 4/8/05 07:26 PM

lol. that stinks.

just for the record, i havent totalled any of my parents cars yet. :-D

Autotooner 4/8/05 07:34 PM

me neither... :-D yet...

Fordracing200 4/8/05 08:19 PM

who bets he gets a vega? :jester:

pilot1129 4/8/05 10:51 PM

arin, are you indian?

If you are, then i know indian parents well and if your parents are anything like most indian parents, youre getting a honda or toyota

future9er24 4/9/05 12:34 AM

darn!, ya got my secret lol :jester: j/k i dont try and hide from it.

and trust me i know the amount of imports in Indian cars. my dad has a BMW (he waited his entire life to get one) and a 93 mazda, my mom has a 98 mazda, my uncle(s) have a mercedes, 1 BMW, a Toyota sienna, my aunts have21 BMW, a toyota and hyundai, my cousins have a civin and a 94 V6 tbird. all them realtives and one Ford, no one american!

im cahnging everything tho. all my younger cousins want mustangs now (thank you) and my brother has an urge for an XR7 (thank you again). my entire family knows im a mustang guy. i've even been holding off on driving a bit so i can spend as much of my driving career that i can behing the wheel of a mustang. :-D

my parents are pretty "normal" for indian parents. if they had their way my social life would be non-existent and i'd be indoors studiying my entire life lol.

but we have an understanding. i've wanted a mustang since before i could see over the dash. they know it and so does enyone who knows me. we've agreed that my first car WILL be a mustang. finding one they like is the though part. thingds like "the seats are torn" and "it smells funny" keep me from my dream <_< despite the fact that those are the easy fixes. they cant seem to understand that i WANT some flaws in my mustang. i have flaws in my character, and i have my whole life to try and fix them; why not have the same for my car? plus it'll teach me loads about cars, which is a must because i want to head into the automotive industry in the future.

but i think they're starting to get it. we had a nother "talk" about cars tonight. we've found a few local ones that are nice, and we might see a few tomoro. i think their only problem is that they dont see the beauty or alure of a classic car. they want their luxury amenities and heated seats and whatnot. give me a that AM radio and manual everything and as long as i got a trusty ford V8 in the compartment in fornt im a happy camper. they wouldnt care if it was a 89 2.3L as long as it was power this and power that and automatic tranny n what not. i dont blame them for not feeling the same way about autos as i do, i just wish they could understang d why I love cars the way i do. heck i value spending a day messing around under the hood of a beater more than spending a day with certain relatives *cough*cough*

in conclusion, you need to know that I am sooooo not a traditional indian kid. comparing me to other indian kids is like comparing ozzy osbourne to a nun. i think we know who's who there :-D and because mf my consistency and passion for mustangs, im going to get one, one way or another. i have to stand out my friend, and hondas and toyotas just dont do that lol

:ranting: :jester:

and just out of curiosity, how do you know indian parents so well? are you indian? if so, you rock for not being the typical rice rocket indian kid :nice:

(ps- most indians i talk to about cars dont even know that one of the most beloved mustangs of 69+ model year is actually a "mach 1" not a "mark 1" :shame: pronounciationg people!!!! LEARN IT!!!! )

crap, i ramble alot late at night... anyone else notice this?

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