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Big D 3/1/05 03:38 PM

Which mustang made u go crazy u just had to have??

GottaHaveIt 3/19/05 06:09 PM

Hey there Derek I wanted the Coup as there is less moving parts and I will not worry about the top ever getting cut up by jealous vandles.

RottenRonny 3/20/05 09:40 AM

I went with the coupe. I would love the vert if I lived somewhere else, but Regina just doesn't have the climate that lends its self well, to verts.

GottaHaveIt 3/20/05 04:41 PM

Hey RottenRonny You could go next door to little Chicago MooseJaw is warmer maybe ? I remember when they cracked Al Capone's safe there and they were hopeing but found Zip. I was running around building & blowing up bridges at that time.

Big D 3/23/05 12:35 PM

o well u guys got mustangs which is pretty lucky!! Congrats :-D

mmoonshot 3/23/05 12:37 PM

The verts are very cool, but the coupe has always been my personal favorite :nice:

RottenRonny 3/23/05 03:41 PM

Originally posted by GottaHaveIt@March 20, 2005, 5:44 PM
Hey RottenRonny You could go next door to little Chicago MooseJaw is warmer maybe ? I remember when they cracked Al Capone's safe there and they were hopeing but found Zip. I was running around building & blowing up bridges at that time.

Would you belive that it was 16 degrees warmer in moose jaw yesterday, and its only 45 minutes down the road. Unbelievable.

GottaHaveIt 3/23/05 03:55 PM

Gee last time I was there " Honey Moon Suite" was at a Hotel we stayed at and if the girl friend then didn't get the band to toss me in the pool for my birthday Ah fond memories

flight96 3/24/05 01:25 PM

I'll be back in Regina in mid to late June...Hopefully Its warmer then. Just in time for some thunderstorms :-D

Big D 3/24/05 06:38 PM

I beleive we're discussing vert or coupe not weather lol

GottaHaveIt 3/24/05 11:45 PM

Well What A Downer I called and ASKED well where is it ? It built ready to go yadda yadda yadda BUT its still sitting in Flatrock Michigan as apparently they are having a tough time trying to get rail cars for transport ! was the story I was told, gee I even offered to fly me out there, but they did'nt bite well if it is not on a rail in a week on its way I just may give up ! Grrrrrr Opps So right now Big D The weather forcast inside my head is STORMY AS CAN BE . SORRY I just may have to buy a Vert as it may be faster ? Go figure eh !

Big D 3/25/05 07:54 AM

lol np man my uncle and i were both getting the itch 2 weeks left and it was delayed another two weeks...go figure...but ya if ur angry about the dealership and u really cant wait any longer cancel the order and go for a vert :-D the only thing is u may not get ur deposit back.

GottaHaveIt 3/25/05 04:57 PM

No not angy at the Dealer Just wanted it . Its not there fault or Ford apparently it lyes on the rail carrier so Ford says at least its been built that much prommissed a good long day at work helped get the old mind off much better Thank-You. Although there was a good lookin Sonic Blue with Black Leatherand IUPackage ? Na I'll wait some more.

GottaHaveIt 3/25/05 04:59 PM

and this is price tag $ 27,530.00

Big D 3/26/05 09:25 AM

But its a V6?????? Why????????? lol disgrace...jks :-D

GottaHaveIt 3/26/05 04:20 PM

no its a GT so V8 ?

GottaHaveIt 3/26/05 04:21 PM

soorry x tag

GottaHaveIt 3/26/05 04:23 PM

and the GT to go with it post # 17

mstang 3/26/05 09:20 PM

That is a sold unit released on February 17/05.
Indicated by O/T1 (Order Type 1 is retail) on the bottom right of the window sticker.

At least that is how it was ordered.

GottaHaveIt 3/26/05 09:34 PM

Ah Ron's car I was told a guy ordered almost the same as me a week before ! I like Coupes one big reason is that at a curling club here the other past week-end someone went and tore up every rag top in the lot !!! and get this the Police Staion is right next door and nobody saw a thing.

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