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Ballz 2/23/05 01:39 AM

Ford : 2000 Mustang v6 HIGH PERFORMANCE ONLY 54000mile

:lol: He's got feather boas all over the dash! :lol:

mr-mstng 2/23/05 05:51 AM


Whatever the switches are for, you'd think they'd at least be able to put them in a straight line. :rolleyes:

TMSBrad 2/23/05 06:17 AM

High Performance? $11,000? Someone send this kid a link to KBB.

Ballz 2/23/05 07:49 AM

I sent him a request for the dyno and a link for his car on KBB. :)

Lalo 2/23/05 09:26 AM


future9er24 2/23/05 01:32 PM


wildstanglx90 2/23/05 02:08 PM

Don't you all realize...there is no dyno proof needed, nor does he have to explain the 'high performance' claim...why?? It has Street Glow stickers all over the rear of it, that in itself should be proof enough that this car is one bad machine!!
:rofl2: :jester:

63galaxie 2/23/05 02:54 PM

here are some of the questions possible buyers are asking
Q: what are all of those switches in the dashboard for? Also, how are the feathers attached? Answered on Feb-23-05
A: switches are for neons!! which is in the car!! I think you will love it!! It's main switch panel. I will send explanation sheet with my car. Also feathers attached with air ventilate (just tied)
Q: I love the feathers on the dash, but I need to know if they are Tripple Fat Goose feathers or not as I am highly allergic and will bust out into hives with an eye twitch and such. Does the body kit come with the car? Thanks Geo
A: I think the feathers are not Tripple Fat Goose feathers. I bought in japan which is $10 each so.. If you want to make sure, You have to cheak!! before use feathers. sorry for my answers are not enough. And the body kit come with the car? yes the body kit come with the car!! thank you for asking me

i think the owner is confused, he claims the car has dual exhaust...
:shame: "i love the feathers on the dash"??whats up with that?

pilot1129 2/23/05 07:13 PM

Question about your item

Marketplace Safety Tip
If this email is an offer to directly sell you an item without bidding on and winning the item on eBay, please report it to us immediately and do not respond. An offer to sell an item directly to another eBay member through email violates eBay rules. It is also extremely unsafe to purchase an item through this email system regardless of the seller's claims or feedback, as you lose the benefit of eBay's purchase protection programs and risk losing your money.

Dear pilot1129,

You asked:
"So theres no proof of HP? Just added what the manufacturers said they're products added?"


I asked him this in an email and got his answer. He also declined to put my answer up for others to view on his ebay auction. dork :angry:

forddude1416 2/23/05 10:36 PM

You know. That wasn't really that bad looking. Put on a factory hood. Never put on the neons.

Then I saw the spoiler. A part of me has died on the inside

ucdavisboy 2/23/05 11:00 PM

Oh boy. :crying: I don't mean to sound like a snob but that is GHETTO. Give me a break-if you want to ruin something like that go get an Acura or something. That spoiler is lame, the fog lights are stick out the front like pimples, the scoop makes it hard to see the road, the feathers and neon are out of some old nasty Vegas casino, the wheels are so-so, and the chairs need to match the paint job.

My daughter spells better than that too. And she's 7. :-D

fiveopowered 2/24/05 03:34 PM

this car is 240 horsepower minus about 46, that sounds about right!

gtstang 2/25/05 07:58 PM


swingle007 2/26/05 05:52 AM

Man, that is SO bad....seats look hideous inside it...was it wrecked and then had spare parts put all over it? insanity on the looks and the price....


mobster 2/26/05 02:53 PM

That mustang is pretty scary looking

Final5pt0 3/6/05 12:26 PM

the funny thing is ive seen plenty like this...unfortunatley. although i have to say ive never seen the feathers, thats something i cant find words to describe. i wish there were more people with v6's who would do the right thing and spend usefull money improving their cars such as a kid running around my area with a worked up super charged v6 sleeper, ive never seen him loose to anything other then the 03 corba racing around, now theres a v6 i can respect. and the best part is other then a cobra front bumber its 100% stock exterior/interior even v6 rims.

Dark02Pony 3/6/05 02:37 PM

hahaha with all that " costomized " he prob has negative 240hp with that new racing " stile " spoiler

Galaxie 3/6/05 06:51 PM

That pretty bad

I mean REALLY bad

GT40th 3/13/05 12:49 PM

If you could actually net a HP gain using the ol' IAT mod, much less 20hp up, we'd all be doing it saying YEAH free HP...

Too Bad...

Funny thing is, he's serious about his HP gains, that's whats really scary.

BlackMustangGT07 3/28/05 11:29 AM

Originally posted by Final5pt0@March 6, 2005, 1:29 PM
the funny thing is ive seen plenty like this...unfortunatley. although i have to say ive never seen the feathers, thats something i cant find words to describe. i wish there were more people with v6's who would do the right thing and spend usefull money improving their cars such as a kid running around my area with a worked up super charged v6 sleeper, ive never seen him loose to anything other then the 03 corba racing around, now theres a v6 i can respect. and the best part is other then a cobra front bumber its 100% stock exterior/interior even v6 rims.

Now THAT is impressive. Congradulate that kid for me if you ever meet him!

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